Jerseys are well known to have some of the richest milk there is. Their milk has a large percentage of sweet cream and it just can't be beaten! Our cows are both A2A2, which means their milk is the easiest to digest of all cow milk.
We have two sweet jerseys who we love dearly. Tilly was our first and she had her first calf on February 22, 2022. We couldn't help but name the calf Tutu, given her birth date! Tutu is a highland/jersey cross, which makes her the fuzziest, cutest little thing ever. She was Tilly's first calf, so this is the first time she's been milked. She has done incredibly well! She resisted the stanchion a couple times but has learned to happily walk up to munch on her locally made, GMO-free feed.
Jemima (Jemmy) was the second jersey to join our little farm. She had her first calf, Lily on July 30, 2022. Lily is the sweetest calf we've ever met. She is super friendly and loves to hang out with people.
Zebulon (Zeb) is our mini jersey bull. He has given us some beautiful calves and we're excited to milk them next year.